
Submitted by jono on 14 Aug 2017.

An early morning dash in a narrow weather window got me to the Danish island of Læsø. Overnight had been windy so the Swedish side of the Skagerrak / Kateggat Sea was confused and lumpy - but he angle was just right to sail high in reaching mode, thereby heading into the waves rather than accelerating down them. That keeps speeds down and means control is less of an issue. By the middle things had calmed down enough that I had the confidence for a spot of filming in the shipping lanes. The aircraft at the end of the clip circled a few times for a good look.

Submitted by jono on 10 Aug 2017.

Today was a perfect day. Beautiful weather, scenery, met many friendly and kind people, ended up at a delightful little place called Grundsund.
I'm a bit tired to write much, so will scribble a few postcards instead...