Long Standing Ambition

Submitted by jono on 28 Mar 2017.

Long Standing Ambition - the Windsurf Round Britain book - is published. It is available now in paperback and Kindle editions.

The book has been written for quite a while now, but publication was slowed up by the need to include maps - and there is one for every day sailed; and some photographs - where I thought these added to the account and there was space to put them. So apologies for the delay, but the result is a book that is to my mind is now genuinely complete.

Long Standing Ambition Long Standing Ambition Kindle version map example Kindle version map example

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* * *

I'll now hit the button to officially cast this ship afloat.
Bon voyage, Long Standing Ambition.

Buy on Amazon

[Updated 4-3-2017 to reflect availability of paperback edition.]