Orbitello to Civitavecchia
Sunday 29th July
It's hot! Wind typically arrives in the afternoon. Sailing along beaches it is fine to keep going till sunset, when the wind disappears. Along cliffs I should be a bit more careful! Try an evening pumpathon to get round 600m high Orbitello peninsula. Too late really, and too dark to see where I could get in. Get hassled by a concerned Italian who is eager I turn back to the safety of Santo Stefano. OK pal. Pumpathon back the way I've just come. Sun has set by time I reach land.
Monday 30th July
At Santo Stefano lose my GPS. Annoying. Sours my day slightly. Get too tired and it's just a struggle. Had to leave tourist 'beach' early, before wind arrived. Pumpathon to get east of Orbitello. Planing wind there, record the video that accompanies this post. Zero wind in lee. Heat and variable conditions really tiring. Decide upon a change of pace: land and walk through woods to a campsite bar, staffed by Mohammed, aka Bob Marley he assures me. Good guy, who has windsurfed with dolphins in Kenya. Conversation, espresso-doble, and the start of the evening cool all help put my mental state back in a better place. Not worrying about a thing, I make a few more miles before stopping to camp on edge of a quiet town.
Tuesday 31st July
Short distance. A few miles early with the morning land breeze. Lunch with Chris - another friend from way back - and family. Doing well for visits lately. Then a couple more miles. But wind so light, and the port of Civitavecchia big enough to require respect, so decide to leave for tomorrow morning.
Head in to what looks like a good camp location, at Sant'Agostino. Am soon talking to the locals, and offered food and beach cabin for the night. These are relatives of Mattia Camboni, Italian Olympic class windsurfer and winner of recent Mediterranean Games held at Tarragona. Grazie mil folks.
Wednesday 1st August, so far
Another early start. Land breeze lasts until the big port. Then paddle the rest of the way to Lego Navale de Civitavecchia. A pretty place, and a lovely welcome from a small crowd as I drift in the final metres.
No wind now. Uploading this video then grabbing a nap. 38ºC today. Will add a few photos to comments later.
Hot. Tired. Could be a tough month this.