Mid-winter break
I'd been hoping to sail continuously - that is whenever possible - and just doggedly push on through winter. But that isn't how it's worked out.
Once onto the North Spanish coast progress really slowed. A combination of factors caused that:
- It's a difficult and exposed coastline.
- Wintertime = short and infrequent windows of opportunity when progress can be made. Big swell, strong winds typically from a direction that leave a really ugly sea.
- Illness. Maybe I'd let myself get a bit under the weather.
When flu hit a second time just after Christmas I decided to take a break from living under the sail and instead head to my apartment in Menorca. That's where I'm writing this from. I'm well on the way to full health already but am not going to rush back prematurely. Better to fully recover. The wait will allow the days to pull out a little, and when I do restart I can enjoy the North Spain coastline rather than suffer it.
So, my last landing was at Saint Juan de la Arena, conveniently close (a walk!) to Oviedo airport. My hope and plan is that I'll be heading back there some time in February. Actual timing depends upon how soon I feel healthy and up for it, and the state of the North Atlantic.
Not at all despondent! A break can be a good thing too I've decided.
Back soon.